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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Relaxation Through Yoga - Detach Yourself

If you are interested in Yoga there is no better time to jump on board the band wagon and begin to experience the mental and physical healing and strengthening it offers. Yoga shows you how to develop the relaxation response throughout your day by letting go of the worthless things your hold on to. Herbert Benson, MD, was one of the first to point out the hidden epidemic of hypertension or high blood pressure as a result of stress.

When reading his number one bestseller (The Relaxation Response), he refers to the relaxation response as a "universal human capacity" and a "neglected asset." Yoga teaches its practitioners how to tap into that highly underused ability of your body and mind.

Yoga uses nonattachment or simply "letting go" as a means of activating the relaxation response. It is good for people to feel passionate about what they do, especially in comparison to have little or no feelings on the subject.

However, by letting go of ones needless passion in other areas we free our bodies and minds from becoming to attached to other people. Take for example an overly compassionate worker who takes the troubles and trials of his coworkers home with him. By becoming to close to his coworkers he has invited suffering into his life. Now of course it is important to develop close relationships, however, the secret is realizing when you need to step back and protect your own physical and mental health in order to continue a beneficial relationship.

This is a lifelong lesson that for most people must be learned time after time. Yoga goes so far as to recommend taking on an attitude of inner detachment in all matters. This does not mean that you are not vested in other individuals, rather that you are vested but not on an emotional level that you are forced to bring home with you. It is a difficult concept to grasp and an even more difficult task to implement it in your own life.

Written by Severin, Char Griller Smoker

By John Severin
Published: 11/23/2010


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